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Recent presentations and publications:



Warren, C., Chlevin-Thiele, C., Voss, N. M., & Lake, C. J. (2021, April). Correspondence bias in selection: Differences in perceptions of employability. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.


Voss, N. M., Lake, C. J., & Chlevin-Thiele, C. (2019). Construction and initial validation of the career maximizing scale. Career Development Quarterly, 67, 156-170.

Lake, C. J., Highhouse, S., & Shrift, A. G. (2018). Validation of the job-hopping motives scale. Journal of Career Assessment, 26, 531-548.

Lake, C. J., Chlevin-Thiele, C., Warren, C., Voss, N. M., Ryan, R., & Fossum, L. (2019, April). We Don’t Hire Job-Hoppers: Hiring Managers’ Perceptions of Frequent Job Change. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Washington, DC.


Lake, C. J., & Wood, E. (2018, May). The two-motive model of job-hopping: Generalizability across cultural and occupational contexts. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Sciences, San Francisco, CA.


Voss, N. M., Lake, C. J., Hofeling, T., Griffis, M., Chlevin, C., & Ryan, R. (2018, May). Does general maximizing relate to career maximizing? Evaluating a career maximizing scale. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Sciences, San Francisco, CA.


Lake, C. J., Warren, C., Ryan, R., Griffis, M., Hofeling, T., Voss, N. M., & Fossum, L. (2018, April). Who is labeled a job-hopper? Hiring managers’ evaluations of job applicant work histories. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Oklahoma-Kansas Judgment and Decision Making Conference, Manhattan, KS.


Lake, C. J., Voss, N. M., Hofeling, T., Griffis, M., & Chlevin, C. (2018, April). Job-hopping: Development and application of a precise definition. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.


Voss, N. M., & Lake, C. J. (2018, April). Communicating interview validity evidence: Examining numeracy and presentation format. In X. Zhu & M. T. Braun (co-chairs). How Judgment and Decision Making Research can Inform Effective I/O Practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.


Voss, N. M., Hofeling, T., Griffis, M., Chlevin, C., & Lake, C. J. (2018, February). Acceptable and Unacceptable Reasons for Frequent Job Change. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Industrial Organizational-Organizational Behavior conference. Tulsa, OK.


Voss, N. M., & Lake, C. J. (2018, February). Communicating research findings about the employment interview: The effects of numeracy and nontraditional metrics of effect size. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Industrial Organizational-Organizational Behavior conference. Tulsa, OK.


Lake, C. J. (2017, April). Defining job hopping using judgments from workers, students, career counselors, and human resources professionals. Paper presented at the annual Oklahoma-Kansas Judgment and Decision Making Conference, Norman, OK.


Voss, N. M., Lake, C. J., Youso, J., Shrift, A. G., & Lakowske, A. (2017, April). Careless Survey Responding: A Longitudinal Study of Participant Carelessness. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, FL.


Lake, C. J., Youso, J. L., Shrift, A. G., Lakowske, A., Ward, M., & Voss, N. M. (2016, November). Sources of distraction among Mechanical Turk participants. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Boston, MA.



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