Work and Career Decisions Lab                     Briefcase Logo for Work and Career Decisions Lab

Research Team

Lead Faculty

               Christopher Lake, Ph.D., Lab Director
                    Chris Lake Hometown: Spokane, Washington
Institution: University of Alaska
Graduate: Bowling Green State University (Ohio)

My research interests center around the commitment and satisfaction that people feel with respect to their employers. I tend to approach these topics using judgment and decision making and psychometric methods.

Fun Fact: Has held a wide variety of jobs including: purchasing agent, cell phone store manager, computer lab tech, career services advisor, sales clerk in a bedding and linen department, and licensed insurance agent specializing in accidental death and dismemberment policies.




The Career Decisions Lab has included team members at the graduate and undergraduate level, including these lab alumni:

Sydney Acedo

Alyx Bishop

Rachel Boerger

Cassie Chlevin-Thiele

Becca Drake

Landon Fossum

Morgan Griffis

Taylor Hofeling

Justine Fiscus

Kylynn Keeler

Courtney Matthews

Erin Newkirk

Nathan Voss

Chi-Leigh Warren



Presenting Research at the Industrial Organizational-Organizational Behavior Conference



Having a very serious Halloween research meeting



Presentations at the psychological sciences research convocation

research convocation poster presentation 

research convocation poster presentation


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